by Amy Saloner | Feb 27, 2018 | Blog

Kyle Shinners, LAc. Co-Founder and Co-Owner at EVO and Evolution Acupuncture
What is the work that you do?
By trade I am an acupuncturist, by craft a medicine man, by choice a husband, father and community member. In another 6 months I’ll complete my doctorate and finally be able to legally call myself a “doctor,” which I dig because it comes from the latin word docere: to teach. After almost 2 decades in the field of medicine and healing arts, I’m beginning to accept the truth that there is no disease to be ‘fixed’ or ‘healed,’ rather lessons to be learned and patterns to be recognized on our path of growth. Many years ago while wandering the globe in search of healing and enlightenment, I heard Traditional Chinese or Daoist Medicine described as the medicine of transformation. I still like this definition and do my best to remind patients that I’m just a helpful guide on this seemingly painful leg of their journey… So my work is simply to embody the Dao and learn to trust all is well.
How does living in community support or inform your presence in the world?
As with most sangha, the Emerald Village Observatory supports me to ‘see’ myself as a contributor in the game of life. Sometimes I’m useful, sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I’m the problem, sometimes I’m the solution. Maybe so and maybe not, but everyday the reflection of EVO amplifies my awareness of how ENGAGED I am in playing my role as human being. Living here, it’s a lot harder to get away with bullshit or wallow in complacency.
What is your greatest lesson living in community?
“No Man is an island.” ~ John Donne
Everything we do and how we be, intimately affects others. Living in community is the art of coexistence. Learn to share or die. From the practicality of communal meals and laundry facilities to the intricacies of governance models and decision making, living in community invites one to recognize we are ALL responsible for the co-creation of our experience… good, bad, ugly and beautiful. Though nothing new, It’s a timely lesson for our species to consider ‘being considerate’ more often.
by Amy Saloner | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog
Each Month we interview a member of our community to give you a glimpse into who we are and what we have learned along the way. This month we sat down with co-founder, co-owner and social architect, Jessica Plancich Shinners. Here is what she had to say.
What work do I do?
I am a wild woman, mother, wife, communitarian and child of God. My shingle says I’m a psychotherapist, leadership coach and organizational consultant. I consider myself a social architect that integrates Eastern and Western, esoteric and empirical and heaven and earth into a grounded and applied way of encouraging people to lead from the heart. My consultancy, Fierce Grace is devoted to supporting leaders of self, family, community and enterprise to come from a place of integrity from the inside out (
How Does living in community support or inform your presence in the world.
Living in community boldly and audaciously rubs my nose in the truth of the interconnectivity of all things. My awareness of the butterfly effect has never been so apparent to me since deciding to live a more tribal way of life. I am constantly reminded and confronted by the fact that what I think, say and do directly and potently impacts my world and those I care about and the feedback loops are loud and rude…in a good way. By that I mean I’m glad, because left to my own devices, without the reflection of those also devoted to a path of evolution, I would likely delude myself about who I am and the impact I have on my environment. Thankfully, I listened to the inner twinkling many, many years ago (and even drew in crayons about it) that this is the lifestyle I needed to activate some deep, native intelligence inside of me about humanity, co-existence and love.
What is your greatest lesson living in community?
Humility. The kind of humility that brings you to your knees and reminds you (in Abraham Maslow’s words), “We are simultaneously Gods and worms.” With nowhere to hide amongst people whom I admire and respect, I am constantly reminded of the power of humility in the face of the inspiration and irritation that has me constantly breeching new edges of my capacities. For this I am fiercely grateful and wouldn’t (couldn’t) have it any other way.
Upcoming Event…
Each year Jessica pairs up with an amazing artist, Krista Richards, to bring an evening of connection and celebration. Whether you are single or in a relationship, Love Bath is sure to nourish and enliven your heart, soul and connections. For more details Click HERE:

by Amy Saloner | Dec 30, 2017 | Blog
by Krystin Railing
The new year is full of new beginnings, but also a moment of reflection, and classically time to create “New Year’s Resolutions.” During a time when society finally seems open to expressing the desire to make personal changes for the better, it seems as though many have lost their luster for resolutions.

Often resolutions are made, only to be passionately pursued for a few fleeting weeks and then get put on the back burner and soon forgotten about all together. So how does one go about making meaningful resolutions that last? Here are a few tips that we hope will help you along your path of personal growth and development this 2018.
- Start small: Making small conscious daily changes when we make a choice will heed large results over time. Make resolutions you actually know you can keep, make it possible to succeed.
- Make it meaningful: Make a resolution you are truly passionate about changing. Set thought out intentions that are meaningful to your life personally. Creating a resolution that does not have personal meaning will be hard to get motivated about.
- Change one thing at a time: If you try to change too many areas of your life at once, it can be hard to manage, monitor and control, which won’t set you up for success in the long run. Try focusing on one thing at a time until it becomes natural, then add focus on another area of your life.
- Keep it Consistent: Whether you call it setting “intentions”, “goals”, or a “resolution”, make small consistent changes to adopt healthy new habits. Resolutions can be made at any moment. If you see a change that needs to be made in your life and you have identified it, then that is the time to make a resolution.
- Start Early: Don’t wait until December 31 to make a huge change in your life. Start planning and researching early. It takes up to 30 Days to form a habit, good or bad. So If you want to quit smoking in the new year, the process of transformation begins 30 days before the new year. That way, come the New Year, you are already in your new habits.
- Talk about it: They are personal choices, keep them personal unless you need an accountability buddy, then seek out a friend or group that is interested and able to truly and positively support you in your new lifestyle choice. Ask for support if needed.
- Don’t give things up, instead adopt healthy new habits: Sometimes it can seem daunting to have the mindset of “giving something up for good.” Instead, try adding new healthy habits to your daily routine that will positively influence your life.
- Don’t stress about your new resolution: Monitor your progress and keep track in a notebook if desired, but don’t let it stress you out. The point of resolutions are to positively influence your health, so stress would be counter-productive. Have fun with your new healthy lifestyle!
Making personal goals or resolution are an excellent way to create an outline for change in your life, physically, mentally and emotionally, if done with good intention. So say YES to some healthy New Year’s Resolutions!
Below are some New Year’s Resolutions from Emerald Village Members to help inspire you!
- Nick’s resolution is to make use of all the amazing resources we have accumulated and continue to build the community dream
- Bianca’s resolution is to learn a new instrument, but not over commit, practice 15 minutes a day, commit to learning and not achieving
- Jessica’s resolution is to shamelessly abide by her own personal rhythms
- Rebecca’s resolution is to declutter and minimize her life and mind, incorporate yoga once a week into her routine
- Greg’s resolution is to live a more conscious life which includes eating healthier
- Jona’s resolution is to live in full integrity as a man of god
- Krystin’s resolution is minimize single use products and disposable items, including paper plates, plastic forks, disposable bags, to go boxes and instead opt for fresh foods that don’t require a box and providing her own bags/ boxes/ plates/ cups instead of using disposables.